Mary Baker Eddy

Table of Contents

Exactly who was Mary Baker Eddy?

Searching for an answer to this question online may lead you to one of three conclusions:

  1. She was simply an American author.
  2. She was a dangerous cult leader who sought both personal worship and desired to control others.
  3. She was the woman whose Godly nature, humility, and early trials led her to discovering the provable and reproducible Science behind the Christianity which Jesus taught and lived.

Our earnest hope is that this website will answer the question “Who is Mary Baker Eddy?” with enough clarity that you will see the correctness of that third option, and then seek to read and study her book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Only through reading and studying her works will you understand the legitimate answer to this question — an answer which, once found, will change how you see Mrs. Eddy and yourself!

The purpose of this website

This website will somewhat succinctly present the true history of Mary Baker Eddy's life — including a concise outline of what she did during her divinely-inspired mission to bring the revelation of Christian Science to the world. It has been said that only through seeing Mrs. Eddy correctly can one begin to properly apply Christian Science. But first...

Some words on Christian Science

It seems important now to state plainly a few truths which Mrs. Eddy placed firmly in the center of her teachings:

A short biography of Mrs. Eddy

Mary Baker Eddy faced many trials and opposition in the years before and after her discovery of Christian Science. Her early years saw times of sickness, invalidism, and great personal loss. Her faith remained strong, however, and she looked always to God for guidance, and finally while she laid on what seemed to be her deathbed, (as she later wrote on page 24 of her book Miscellaneous Writings) “I called for my Bible and opened it at Matt. IX.2. As I read, the healing Truth dawned upon my sense; and the result was that I rose, dressed myself, and ever after was in better health than I had before enjoyed.”

This healing spurred her on to three years of studying nothing but the Bible, during which she discovered Christian Science. She then went on to follow and fulfill Christ Jesus command to “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils:” (Matthew 10:8) and thus prove that Christian Science was indeed the true Science of Christianity.

Then came writing the first edition of her book Science and Health in 1875 which simultaneously gave people the ability to learn in their own homes how to heal themselves and others, while also stirring up much hate and envy from all directions. She met every bit of the opposition with Truth and Love, going on to form her church and work to help others learn the Science. Her students learned directly from her how to heal and how to work for mankind while keeping God in every detail of their daily life — no matter how humanly unimportant the task may have seemed. Mrs. Eddy understood all this was necessary for Christian Scientists to live up to her revelation and do the work that God had for them to do.

In the end, it seems a relative few of her students truly understood what she was doing or how the high standard she demanded blessed each one of them and the world as a whole. Those who were obedient and progressed spiritually saw the divine wisdom of Mrs. Eddy’s teachings and became excellent Christian Science workers and healers. We have many fine works by these early workers, such as Gilbert Carpenter, Herbert Eustace, Martha Wilcox, and others.

Those who turned from Mrs. Eddy soon lost their way and their ability to be useful to God. Some even set about trying to humanly control the people who came to Christian Science for the freedom which the Christ brings. Those who had learned to understand Truth and express Love saw this as disobedience to God and happily stayed the course Mrs. Eddy showed them. Others who were happy to have another think for them were glad that someone else seemed to take responsibility for their spiritual journey. They ultimately paid the price for it by not being able to truly live and demonstrate this Science, while allowing the world and their families to think it was Christian Science that had failed them, when in reality it was they, themselves, which failed Christian Science, mankind, and their families.

Despite the disobedience of children, it must be said of Mary Baker Eddy's words as Christ Jesus said of his own: “Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.” (Luke 21:33) We are grateful to this woman for persisting in her effort to bring Christian Science to all mankind. We do not worship her, we simply seek to follow her lead and gain that clear understanding which blesses and heals.

Why doesn't this site have pictures of Mrs. Eddy?

Mary Baker Eddy, herself, wrote the following (starting on page 119 of Miscellaneous Writings): “St. John found Christ, Truth, in the Word which is God. We look for the sainted Revelator in his writings, and there we find him. Those who look for me in person, or elsewhere than in my writings, lose me instead of find me. I hope and trust that you and I may meet in truth and know each other there, and know as we are known of God.” We seek to introduce no impediment into the process of you meeting Mrs. Eddy in truth.